• We do not work with waiting lists;
  • If a place becomes available for an event that is fully booked, we will communicate this on our Facebook page;

EYBIS on Facebook

Bike Storage & Transport

If desired, you can fly and / or drive - without a trailer behind your car - to all our events.
We can stock your bike and rider equipment for as long as you want in our secure headquarters in Bruges (Belgium).
We then bring your bike and rider equipment to all the EYBIS events of your choice.
When you arrive at the track, everything is ready in a pit box: your bike on your paddock stands on a black EYBIS environmental mat of 240 x 90 cm, and your rider equipment and chair next to it.

Go to "Events | Book", and click on "Full INFO", under the name of the track | event in which you are interested.

What will you find there:

  • Where is the circuit?
  • Directions to the circuit
  • What is included in the price?
  • Bike transport (where applicable)
    • From what countries?
    • Where are the collection points?
    • What can you bring?
    • What about insurance?
    • Etc.
  • Flying to the event
    • What airport to fly choose?
    • What is the distance to the circuit?
  • Car rental information
  • Overnight stay
  • Noise limits
  • Time table
  • Circuit layout
  • Where to fuel?
  • Food and drinks: where?
  • Information about the pit boxes
  • Address and paddock acces
  • Website of the circuit
  • Etc.

By you as a customer

Cancellation insurance

Ideally, you have your own cancellation insurance.
If you don't have one, you can cancel with us according to the modalities as described below.

Is possible

Cancel an event is always possible in "normal circumstances" (see below for its definition).

Send a Mail

  • To
  • Subject: "Cancellation of event X"
  • State your:
    • First and last name
    • GSM-n° with country code (+44, etc.)
    • The clear statement that you wish to cancel event X

Validity period

Vouchers will be edited and are valid for 2 years.


  • Vouchers are non-nominative, so can also be used for a registration of a friend;
  • You just have to give your voucher number to the other person and he / she can use it at his registration;

One per booking

Our system accepts one voucher per booking.

Where find them?

You can find the vouchers in your "My page" ( after having signed in on ).

Number of vouchers

One voucher per cancelled track day, with a minimum of two vouchers.

Admin. / cancellation costs

The cancellation costs are a compensation for EYBIS.
For your own perception, you can consider this as a kind of cancellation insurance that you only pay if you actually use it.

The amount of these costs depends on the time of cancellation:

Time of cancellation

Admin. cost

Till 6 wks before event 25 €
Till 4 wks before event 45 €
Till 3 wks before event 35 % (1)
Till 2 wks before event 50 % (1)
1 week before event 75 % (1)
Later (2) 90 % (1)


  1. Of the booking price
  2. Less than 3 days before the start of an event, cancelling is not possible anymore. The start of an event = the evening before the first riding session on track, at 18.00.

By EYBIS due to force majeure

Examples of force majeure:

  • Cancellation of the event by the circuit for any reason;
  • Prohibitions of the government that:
    • prohibit (the organisation of) events during the period in which the event is scheduled;
    • make the event so difficult to organise, that it is no longer reasonably feasible;
  • One or more of the following circumstances that make the organisation of the event iimpossible, dangerous and/or unreasonable:
    • an earthquake, a tidal wave, a flood or another natural disaster;
    • a terrorist attack, war, uprising, riot, strike or closure of national borders;
    • an epidemic or pandemic;

As soon as an example of force majeure described above manifests itself, there is no longer any question of "normal circumstances" as mentioned at the very top.

We advise you to:

  • always take a cancellation insurance before you book anything (travel, flight ticket, event, concert, etc.);
  • inform you through your insurer about what exactly is and is not covered by the numerous existing cancellation insurance policies, because these can be very different;

Some examples:

    • Allianz Assistance
      • Royal Service
      • World Royal Protection
    • AG Insurance
      • Yearly cancellation contract
    • AXA Assistance
      • Excellence
    • DVV
      • Custom travel insurance
      • Cancellation insurance
    • Europ Assistance
      • Smart
      • Sport
      • VIP
      • NoGo
    • Touring Assistance
      • No Stop Full
      • No Stop Relax
    • VAB
      • Holiday package
      • Multi package
    • Nomad
      • Nomad assistance

In case of cancellation of the event due to force majeure, we will do everything within our reasonable possibilities to offer you - as a customer (read: registered participant) - the CHOICE between the following options, regardless of the fact whether or not you had taken a cancellation insurance before booking:

  1. Postponement of the event
    • Provided that the circuit - from an event that has been cancelled - is able to propose to us a new date this year, which is acceptable to us;
    • You will be informed of this eventual new date ASAP;
  2. Vouchers
    • Conversion of your registration amount for 100 %;
    • No cost to you;
    • Valid for two years from date of issue;
    • Vouchers are not personal and can be used by anyone;
    • Voucher modalities
      • if it concerns a multi-day event, one voucher will be made per registered day;
      • our booking system accepts 1 voucher per booking;
  3. Refund
    • We refund 65 % of your payment, provided that the track first reimbursed us;
    • In the event of a partial reimbursement, we will be obliged to make a pro rata refund;
    • Please note: this is a financial reimbursement on your bank account and not a credit with voucher(s);
    • If you choose this option, you will not have any recourse afterwards regarding the remaining 35 %;
    • The ratio 65/35 is based on the price composition of an entrance ticket to an event of ours, i.e.:
      • 65 % DIRECT COSTS
      • These costs should not be incurred if an event is canceled
        • rental of the track
        • travel expenses
        • insurance of the event
        • operating costs on the spot
      • 35 % INDIRECT COSTS
      • These costs have already been incurred, regardless of whether an event is canceled or not
        • visit and negotiation with the different tracks to get ddates (time, fuel, rates, etc.)
        • contract negotiations
        • elaboration of all information about the event, in 4 languages
        • putting all the information online, in 4 languages
        • follow-up of registrations
        • administration costs
        • communication costs (a fortiori in connection with cancelations; see e.g. our section "COVID-19 | All communication" on our homepage)
        • answering e-mails
        • answering phone calls
        • office expenses
          • office rent
          • workshop rent containing our equipment to organise the events
          • leasings, rentings of the vehicles and trailers for bringing the organisational material to the events
          • electricity
          • water
          • gas
          • insurances
            • building / workshop
            • vehicles
            • trailers
            • others
          • taxes
            • building / workshop
            • environmental tax
            • vehicles
            • trailers
            • others
          • accounting costs
          • graphic costs for making the visuals of the events
          • monthly Mailchimp costs for sending newsletters
          • publicity costs for promoting events on Facebook
          • publicity costs for promoting events on Instagram
        • etc.


  • The Dutch text is the legal version; all others are translations without any legal validity;
  • In the event of any disputes, Belgian law applies, and the court of Bruges is the only competent authority;

Resell your place

You may and can at any time resell your place (because - for example - you can't attend anymore).


  • This is completely free
  • We don't need to be informed about this at all
  • The person who bought / took over your place should just inform us on site
    • Only then we will replace your name on the lists with your replacement
    • That way, the replacement will see his / her name appear in the group listst and in the time recordings during the event
  • We can't change your name in our system before, because your account is registered, and we can't change the name of your account

Same level

It is very important that your replacement is at the same level as you. If an event is full, we cannot assign your replacement to a different group on the first morning than the one in which you are registered. If your replacement is not of your level at all (e.g. much slower, or much faster), he / she will - in the interest of everyone's safety - be removed from the group on site and can only return from the first afternoon riding (after reclassification of the groups).

Buy a voucher

Max. 1 per booking

Our registration system accepts maximum one voucher per booking.

Where find them?

If you have vouchers, you can find them in your "My page" ( after having signed in on ).


Our vouchers are non-nominative.
Meaning that you can give or sell it to someone else who can use them as well.
You just have to give your voucher number to the other person and he / she can use it at his registration.

For ALL events

Coupons are valid for all EYBIS events.

Validity period

  • A PURCHASED voucher is valid for 1 year from the moment of purchase.
    • "Valid for 1 year" means that this voucher can be used for one year to book an EYBIS event;
    • This event can of course take place many months after the booking of that event;
    • Example:
      • You receive a gift voucher from someone who purchased it on December 20, 2024;
      • You can use this voucher to book an EYBIS event until December 20, 2025;
      • At that time, the calendar of the 2026 season will already be online, so you can book an event that will take place in, for example, October 2026;
  • A RECEIVED voucher due to the cancellation of an event is valid for 2 years, instead of the 1-year validity of a purchased gift voucher;


  • A voucher can not be cut into pieces; just like with a voucher of 100 € you can not buy a product in a shop for 50 € with the question whether they can tear half of your voucher of 100 €, this is also not possible with our vouchers;
  • This also means that our system can technically not refund money, or create a newer smaller voucher, if you would book an event with a voucher that costs less than the value of the voucher;
  • Vouchers are non-refundable;
  • Since 8 April 2024, the validity period of vouchers can no longer be extended;


Buy a voucher

If you wish to cancel a wrongly booked event, you will fall under the terms of "Cancellation of an event".

Cancellation of an event

Booking & Payment

Booking can only be done online via this website, and payment can only be made by credit card (MasterCard and Visa).

Payment costs:

  • for bookings less than 2 months before an event, 2,5 % payments costs are added
  • in all other cases there are no payment costs


As can be read at the bottom of your booking confirmation email, the invoice will be created within 10 days after the event you booked has taken place.

This can then be found in PDF format in your "My page".

Instant info is mainly communicated via the EYBIS Facebook page.

Like our page to stay informed of the latest news!

EYBIS on Facebook

  • With EYBIS, the Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance is included in your enrolment price since years;
  • Some circuits require a license. The only reason for this is that there is a TPL insurance included in it;
  • Because we provide for all participants - included in the price - such a TPL insurance, a license is not requested during our events and yet you are fully okay;

Optionally bookable at any event


  • 10.000 € in case of death
  • 50.000 € in case of disablement
  • 100.000 € in case of total disablement
  • ...


  • 15 € / day


Insurance Conditions

Why follow us?

Cancellations / Waiting lists

  • 80 % of our events are 1 upto 3 months in advance sold out;
  • We don't use waiting lists for those who were too late to book, who would like to have a chance to buy a place from someone who cancels his participation;
  • But - for events which are already fully booked - each cancellation of a place, is immediately communicated on our Facebook page;
  • This means that everybody who has liked our FB page, will immediately be informed about new free places;

Instant info

Short "instant info" will be communicated only via our Facebook page, as for example:

  • The practical information from an event which went online minutes ago, or just has been completed;
  • Access to the paddock is possible from now on (if earlier than planned);
  • There are 2 cancellations for fully booked event X, in group Y or Z;
  • Very well known person X just informed us that he / she will be participating @ event Y;
  • The pictures of event Z are from now on online;
  • ...

Photos and Videos

  • On our websites, you can find from each event a selection of some photos;
  • On our Facebook page, we put a lot more images from each event (photos, short - non professional - movies, etc.);


  • Via our Facebook page, you can easily communicate with other participants, without knowing them before;
  • You would like to drive together to an event, or you have a place free on your trailer, etc.? It all can be communicated on our Facebook page!

EYBIS on Facebook

Contact us


  • Always state your:
    • First and last name
    • GSM-n° with country code
  • Emails without this information will be deleted without replying to them


BE 0460 744 456